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There are many, many places to find
3-D glasses in bulk quantities (usually 50 and higher) on the web. There are
also a number of places offering "free" pairs (though you usually have to send
in $2 or $3 for postage and handling). Here is a list of the places I have been
talking to and/or doing business with:
3-D Camera Equipment:
- Ultimate 3-D Heaven (
They sell the U-Bin Stereocam adapter which works on older cameras and produce
interlaced 3-D on old style CRT TVs. As far as I have found, they are the
only place left selling anything like this (it's similar to what the discontinued
NuView adapter I use was). Tell them Allen sent you.
- 11/11/2010: AIPTEK (
This company announced in 2010 one of those cheesy toy flash memory camcorders (i2 model)... but theirs has two lenses and records still photos and video in 3-D! I picked one up for $183 from Amazon. A great neat 3-D toy. (And if you think of it as a toy, you will probably find it much better than you expect. If you think of it as a real camcorder, you may be disappointed.)
- 11/30/2010: ViewSonic
There is a second version of the AIPTEK camera made, branded (with a slightly different case design) as a ViewSonic. It seems to sell for less -- and NewEgg had it on sale for $139 just after Thanksgiving. Wow!
3-D Glasses: Red over Right eye, Blue over Left
- Deep Vision 3-D (
business since 1970, Steve Gipson has been providing 3-D glasses for places
such as Universal Studios. They have set an maintained the same color filters
ever since. Their filters are Kodak quality Wrattin
film acetate and match those specified by Universal Pictures in
Hollywood. Their site features some very interesting clips, including 3-D
frames recreated from "lost" 1950s 3-D movies -- build by taking stills
from the released left eye print and processing them with stills from the
right eye print from the movie trailer. Neat! I have already gone through
100 pair of their glasses, with 100 more on the way.
(Free pair available.)
- Dimension 3 (
Another long-time provider of 3-D glasses and technology. They claim to be
the largest manufacturer of 3-D glasses in the world. Their site has a 3-D
web interface, which is very interesting. Of note is an editorial posted
about the Red/Right versus Red/Left "standards" of 3-D glasses.
3-D Glasses: Blue over Right eye, Red over Left (like Spy-Kids
3-D, and Mars Rover pics)
- Rainbow Symphony (
These folks have a Yahoo! store that lets you order all kinds of 3-D glasses
as well as other fun stuff. They are probably most famous for being the source
for "free" glasses if you send in money to cover shipping and handling.
This is also the company who is providing special glasses tuned to Mac LCD
displays for use with the new 3-D games from Pangeosoft.
I have ordered some samples to check them out.
- Anachrome (
Allan Silliphant was, apparently, part of the effort that got House of Wax
re-released to theaters in 3-D back in the 1970s. Anachrome promotes a new
"high tech" version of anaglyph 3-D, which seems to key off of their high
quality plastic glasses. If you view Spy-Kids 3-D using the paper glasses
from the theater and then alternate to using the high end Anachrome glasses,
you will indeed see a noticeable difference! I have a small set of Anachrome
glasses, and these are what I provide to my friends when we watch my 3-D
videos :-)
- Berezin Stereo Photography Products (
Early on, I e-mailed with Steve Berezin about getting a few pair of glasses
from him, but I never followed up on it. Their site has alot of 3-D hardware
available, including 3-D film cameras!
3-D Mac Software
- RedGreen (
Converts two images into a stereo 3-D anaglyph.
- Anaglyph Maker (
Another 3-D photo maker.
- StereoPress and StereoPressDV (
Older Mac software (runs under Classic in Mac OS X) which will create stereo
still images, and can also convert separate left and right QuickTime movies
into a stereo anaglyph file. Unfortunately, I don't have any easy way to
get the interlaced video my camera system produces into this software so
I have never been able to really use it.
- Final Cut Pro / Final Cut Express
There is a good
web tutorial on using Final Cut to convert video to red/blue anaglyph.
The tutorial on this page is all about recording with two cameras to generate
a left and right eye image, then using Final Cut filters to do the conversion.
The same thing can be done with interlaced video like from a NuView or Stereocam
by copying the video to two tracks and applying the Deinterlace filter to each
track, one on Odd and the other on Even scan lines. I'll post a full tutorial
at some point in the future.
3-D Windows Software (runs under VirtualPC on the Mac, too)
- Stereo Movie Maker (
This easy to use program will convert many types of 3-D into many other types,
such as interlaced 3-D (like I shoot) into red/blue (color or monochrome).
Very easy to use, though the file size limits imposed by the windows engine
it runs on are problematic. I have to split up all my videos into 2GB chunks.
- Puppet Kite Kid (
Here is the best place to read about converting 3-D video on a PC. He has
tutorials and information/links to software such as VirtualDub and AviSynth freeware.
I just put a link to his page to avoid having to dig up all the information
For all your 3-D video needs, try (and tell them Allen sent